Have you ever wanted to know Elbeco Customer Service a little more in-depth? Every month, we will be highlighting one member of the Elbeco Customer Service Team to help you get to know them a little better. From a look inside their hobbies to what they would be doing if they weren't an Elbeco Customer Service Rep to the highlight of their workday, we have the answers. Read on to learn more about this month's featured Customer Service Team Member.
This month, we look at Brenda Gonzalez, Customer Service Representative.
Hometown: Puerto Rico.
Current Location: Reading, PA.
Family: I'm married. My husband and I will be celebrating 20 happily married years in June 2022. We have 3 beautiful daughters and 5 grandkids. Family is everything to me. I love to spend time with them.
Education: I do not have any degrees or certifications, but I do have education and experience in Business Administration and Accounting. I attended the Cittone Institute back in 2000-2001 for almost a year.
Fun Fact: I hate, hate, HATE frogs. LOL.
3 Words to Describe Yourself: Professional, independent, outgoing.
Biggest Influence: My family, especially my mom. I lost her at a young age, but I will never forget the values she taught me.
Hobbies: Spend time with the grandkids, cut coupons and go on vacation.
Customer Service Experience: I started my first Customer Service job at Cingular Wireless back in 2000 in Woodbridge, NJ as Customer Technical Support. I have been assisting customers since then. I have over 20 years of experience in Customer Service.
Tenure at Elbeco: It will be 16 years in June 2022.
Favorite Elbeco Product and Why: The Tactical Polos; they don't need to get ironed, the color lasts. They have a professional look.
Favorite Part of Working for Elbeco: Helping my clients and making them happy.
Biggest Highlight of Workday: When you make a customer happy by assisting them, listening and helping on their needs. That is the best satisfaction of being in Customer Service.
Something You Learned About Yourself Through This Role: To be patient, understanding with others, helpful and to always listen what others have to say.
If You Weren't Working In This Role, What Would You Be Doing Instead? Flight attendant.
What Would You Like to Be Known/Remembered For? As the life of the party, for my big smile and gratitude with life.
Anything Else You Want To Share? Elbeco is a great company to work for; they make you feel welcome. It's been a pleasure for me to be part of this family for almost 16 years.
Stay tuned for the next edition of this series to see who we highlight next.
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