Have you ever wanted to know Elbeco Customer Service a little more in-depth? Every month, we will be highlighting one member of the Elbeco Customer Service Team to help you get to know them a little better. From a look inside their hobbies to what they would be doing if they weren't an Elbeco Customer Service Rep to the highlight of their workday, we have the answers. Read on to learn more about this month's featured Customer Service Team Member.
This month, we look at Chris Schuler, Customer Service Representative.
Hometown: Reading, PA.
Current Location: Reading, PA.
Family: I have a son, Josh. I have twin daughters, Christy and Bobbi. I have 7 grandkids. There's Jenny, Keoni, Malina, Becky, Will, Damien and Gabe.
Education: High school.
Fun Fact: I'm the music director down at church.
3 Words to Describe Yourself: Quiet, affectionate, and passionate.
Biggest Influence: My parents.
Hobbies: I play the piano and the organ. I like listening to music, doing word searches, and playing mini golf.
Customer Service Experience: I've been in Customer Service one way or another my whole life. It was always explained to us that no matter what you do we are Customer Service to each other. If you are helping someone out whether the office or outside of the office, you are still Customer Service. It becomes a way of life. I've been going on 21 years in Customer Service at Elbeco.
Tenure at Elbeco: 38 years in September.
Favorite Elbeco Product and Why: I like the Shield Performance Soft Shell. I have worn it outside in 10° weather and I have not been cold. It's such a comfortable jacket and it really keeps you warm.
Favorite Part of Working for Elbeco: Interacting with the customers.
Biggest Highlight of Workday: Interacting with the customers. You can be yourself without having to put on a show. Knowing you work for a company that cares about its employees. It's become a family.
Something You Learned About Yourself Through This Role: I learned that I need to slow down and breathe. To laugh at yourself. Everybody makes mistakes.
If You Weren't Working In This Role, What Would You Be Doing Instead? Probably being retired and probably volunteering somewhere.
What Would You Like to Be Known/Remembered For? Being kind and having a good sense of humor.
Anything Else You Want To Share? Don't take life too seriously. Learn to laugh at your own shortcomings. Life is way too short. Live each day to its fullest.
Stay tuned for the next edition of this series to see who we highlight next.
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