Have you ever wanted to know your Elbeco Rep a little more in-depth? Every month, we will be highlighting one member of the Elbeco Sales Team to help you get to know them a little better. From a look inside their hobbies to what they would be doing if they weren't your Elbeco Rep to the highlight of their workday, we have the answers. Read on to learn more about this month's featured Sales Team Member.
This month, we look at David Thornton, Sales Representative - NC, SC and GA.
Hometown: Grew up in Mt. Airy, NC. Same as Mayberry on Andy Griffith Show.
Current Location: Mooresville, NC.
Family: My wife, Robin, and I will be celebrating our 30th Wedding Anniversary this June. We have 2 boys. "DJ" David Jr. is 24 and does Architecture for an Engineering Firm. Dawson is 20. He is a sophomore at Washington and Jefferson. He is on the golf team there.
Education: Appalachian State, also known as App State University.
Fun Fact: I have rolled 2 Perfect Games in bowling.
3 Words to Describe Yourself: Customer friendly sales.
Biggest Influence: My Wife!
Hobbies: Golf and watching my boys play golf. They're a lot better than I am. I keep telling them that even though they beat me at golf that they'll never beat me in bowling. I enjoy watching them better than I enjoy playing.
Sales Experience: Since 1989, so 32 years.
Tenure at Elbeco: Almost 2 years.
Favorite Elbeco Product and Why: Probably the Reflex pants in both colors. Very customer friendly apparel that takes care of the wearer, the quartermaster and also the budget people because it lasts.
Favorite Part of Working for Elbeco: The quick response on orders and getting them shipped out to our customers.
Biggest Highlight of Workday: Hearing the positive comments from our wear testers.
Something You Learned About Yourself Through This Role: To be a good listener.
If You Weren't Working In This Role, What Would You Be Doing Instead? Working in this role for someone else. It's a blast.
What Would You Like to Be Known/Remembered For? A good husband and dad.
Anything Else You Want To Share? Thank you to the Fire, Police and EMS people for what they do for the country.
Stay tuned for the next edition of this series to see who we highlight next.
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